Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Couple days late....

- WWE is seriously pushing hard for the come home shows for the Royal Rumble.

- Vince McMahon cutting promos is almost as painful as seeing Hogan on TV again... almost.

- He further proves that Bret will be back soon.

- UNDERTAKER INTERRUPTION FTW!!!! He basically calls Vince a liar and says he screwed Bret... twice.

- Taker calls out HBK and refuses his request for a WMXXVI rematch saying he has nothing left to prove, but it HBK wants his match. He needs to win the Rumble.

- Match 1 saw WWE make up for giving Evan Bourne offense by having Sheamus demolish him. Orton came down to get a better view of the action then left.

- Backstage antics with HBK, HHH, and Hornswoggle leads to our guest host no. 1 (Don Johnson) saying guest host no. 2 (Jon Heder) hasn't shown up yet... OH NOES!!!

- Jack Swagger loses another over the top rope challenge to Mark Henry. Santino came out before hand dressed as Don Johnson from Miami Vice, and claimed he couldn't wrestle cause he was busy.... Busy being awesome I assume.

- Jon Heder shows up with the Bella twins.... Well, there is all the proof you would ever need to prove wrestling is fake.

- The guest hosts come out and talk WWE with Johnson playing good cop and Heder playing bad cop. This leads to them setting up DX v. Big Show/Miz

- Kingston/Cena v. Legacy: Kofi is becoming a star, end of story. They really wanna shake things up, have him win the Rumble.... Will not happen, but I can dream.

- Hornswoggle backstage yelling in "Leprechaun" at Heder, eventually the match is made Heder/Big Show/Miz v. DX and Hornswoggle.

- The four finalists in the Diva's title tourney had a tag match... I cannot recall anything about this.

- Big Show and Miz give Jon Heder a character complete with Ric Flair-esque robe it says "The Flame."

- McMahon is going to call out Bret Hart soon.... Not soon enough.

- Triple H says he needs to talk to Shawn... But they get interrupted by Hornswoggle.

- Chris Masters is still employed by WWE, we know this cause he lost to Randy Orton... Who was the attacked by Sheamus.

- DX and Hornswoggle won their match.... SHOCK. Then John Cena, Triple H, Big Show, and HBK all argued about who was gonna win the Royal Rumble, with HHH being the only left in the ring as RAW went off the air.



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