I suck at this, sorry. I will be back on track this week.
RAW is live from Baltimore tonight with our host being Verne Troyer.
RAW opens with JeriShow coming down and talking about being the most dominant tag-team in history, they talk about their accolades.... Chris Jericho reminds us all he was the first Undisputed Champion over eight years ago. DX eventually comes down and they set up Jericho v. HHH for later in the show where the loser faces the winners team next week in a handicap match.
Verne Troyer.... later....
There was a Divas match, Maryse is still back.
Sheamus is out cutting a promo on Cena. It appears he has a lisp and is wicked Irish the unintentional humor scale was through the roof.... Then Santino comes out, intentional humor goes through the roof. The sad part is you have to know how this ends, Sheamus demolishes Santino in what never even began as a match.
Verne ignores Jericho backstage and we are told he'll be live when we come back.
Troyer is live and he hypes WWE and talks about the fun he had at Summer Slam. The proceeds to badmouth the Miz which brings him out, Miz cuts some old Austin Power references (good to know WWE is on the cutting edge of pop culture). Right before Miz is gonna attack ole Mini-Me, Mark Henry is out to make the save. This sets up a match between the two for later in the night.
Next match is Kofi v. Orton
Cody jumps Kofi when he is making his entrance. He insists on the match taking place, Orton's music hits. At this point Dibiase attacks Kofi as well before being tossed just like Cody was previously. Orton finally makes his way to the ring in what is a painfully short match that does nothing but give Orton a win over Kofi finally.
Back, and John Cena is in the ring and he is angry. After a small rant he proclaims he wants Sheamus for the title tonight and he won't wait for two weeks. This brings out.... Carlito(???). Carlito cuts a badass promo about how the guys in the back are so sick of him and his way he is the corporate face. Surprisingly he got a lot of cheers from the crowd. Sadly, this can only end one way, Cena beat the hell out of Carlito, Sheamus came out then backed away as Cena looked all scary.
In what was only our second official match of the night. Mark Henry beat the Miz after a very awkward rapping segment with MVP and Henry.
Final match of the night saw Jericho and HHH wrestle with the stipulation mentioned earlier. HBK and Show are on commentary match breaks down about five minutes in and Big Show delivers the knockout punch to HHH while the ref is distracted, while the ref is ejecting Big Show from ringside HBK superkicks Jericho. End of the match comes with HHH rolling up Jericho. Next week it is DX v. Jericho in a handicap match.
After last week I shouldn't be surprised, this is easily the worst show since I started the blog. Next week is going into a PPV so hopefully it'll be better.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tuneage Tuesday(ish): Lostprophets
These guys I stumbled upon myself. Back in 2001 I found their video for Shinobi vs. Dragon Ninja on VH1 one day before school. Dug the sound so their first album was purchased. As were the other two since then.
As always, here is the Wiki page.
Last Train Home - Start Something
Burn Burn - Start Something
Last Summer - Start Something
Enjoy kids....
As always, here is the Wiki page.
Last Train Home - Start Something
Burn Burn - Start Something
Last Summer - Start Something
Enjoy kids....
Monday, November 23, 2009
HOLY HELL IT FINALLY HAPPENED!!!!!!! A good show through and through. Three hour RAW shows normally drag the firs hour, so those who don't know it was on an hour early aren't missing anything.
Show opens with Orton coming out before this weeks host Jesse Ventura. Orton talks about how he doesn't care about rules or regulations and he demands Ventura put him in the title match against Cena at the next WWE pay-per-view. After a minute or so Ventura comes out and says he has three "revolutionary" ideas for RAW tonight.
1. Cena v. CM Punk: Never before happened match.
2. DX v. The Hart Dynasty: Never before happened match.
3. The Breakthrough Challenge: A wrestler who has never been world champion will be the new no. 1 contender for either the WWE Title or the World Heavyweight Championship. A series of matches over the night where the winners face in a battle royal, the winner of the battle royal is the new no. 1 contender.
WAIT... ROLL THAT BACK.... A title match not featuring Orton/Cena/HHH this is unheard of since like 2006 (not an exaggeration). This set the expectation bar high for RAW.
Match One (Breakthrough Challenge Qualifier = BCQ): Kofi Kingston v. Dolph Ziggler
This match was alot shorter than I would've liked to see from two of the company's youngest and brightest stars.Back and forth in the early opening, then Kofi hits his two signature moves for the win.
Match Two (BCQ): Sheamus v. Finlay
Finlay gets the first few shots in after that this match was all Sheamus. Guy truly is a beast (a pale beast albeit). Sheamus wins via The Outsiders Edge. Attacks Finlay after the bell which I nearly thought was gonna lead to a referee's reversal on who the winner would be.
Backstage Orton tries again to convince Ventura to put him in the battle royal tonight. Ventura says he likes Orton's style but still refuses to bend the rules to make him happy.
Match Three: Cena v. CM Punk
Punk cuts a pre-match promo about Thanksgiving and calls the WWE fanbase gluttons and drug users. It is pure promo gold when he dropped the "Straightedge means I'm better than you," line.
Cena has really impressed me with his past few TV matches. Him and Punk both brought their A-game, match prolly went on for between 17 - 20 minutes. A lot of near falls towards the end with Cena hitting his finisher for the three count. These kinda matches are great because even with Punk losing he didn't look weak.
Backstage with Jesse "The Governor" Ventura and Vince McMahon. They poke a little fun at each other before Ventura informs Vince that they will be reuniting their old commentating team later in the show and Vince will be in his classic looking tux complete with red bowtie.
Match 4 (BCQ): Mark Henry/MVP/R-Truth v. Masters/Chavo/Jack Swagger
Missed the whole match as I was in the bathroom.
MVP and company win.
I apparently missed a DX promo too.
Match 5 (BCQ): Evan Bourne v. Primo
Primo attacked before the bell by Orton, he hits the ring demanding he is Bourne's opponent now. Ventura gets on the big screen and says he admires Orton's persistence so if he beats Bourne, he is in. Less than a minute later Orton wins.
Match 6: Divas v. Divas
Supposed to be a three on three that just sees two women wrestle the entire match. Face divas win. Post match interview with Melina sees her getting attacked by a returning Maryse, hilarious segment follows with Maryse stripping out of a turkey costume, took nearly two minutes and no one cared.
Match 7: DX v. Hart Dynasty
HBK played the face in peril, the match broke down with all four guys in the ring. Really cool ending saw HBK super kick DH Smith while Smith was holding HHH in a bearhug.
Post match Jericho comes out and sets up DX v. JeriShow for the belts at the next PPV.
Match 8 (BCQ): Cryme Tyme v. Legacy
Had to take a phonecall. Saw the end with Dibiase pinning Shad.
Match 9: BCQ Battle Royal
Participants: Kofi, Sheamus, MVP, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, and Ted Dibiase
Pre-Match: Ventura and McMahon come down and get on commentary.
Order of elimination:
Dibiase/Rhodes (sametime)
Mark Henry
Winner: Sheamus
After the break Ventura is in the ring for a contract signing, after Cena cuts a career burying promo on Sheamus. Ventura talks about how WWE is conspiring to keep Cena champ since he is a clean cut champ and so on and so forth. Sheamus attacks Cena and the show ends with him slamming Cena through a table and standing over him holding the WWE Title.
Thoughts: Wow, they finally put someone else in a title match. This match is not to make Sheamus champ, he is HHH's new boy since Jeff Hardy is gone, this match was made to see if he can carry himself in a main event match on a pay-per-view. If he can, Sheamus has potential to be a future champ, if not, well, can't be hard to bury the guy, they've been doing it to MVP for months now.
Next week Verne Troyer is the guest host. Oh joy.
Til then,
Show opens with Orton coming out before this weeks host Jesse Ventura. Orton talks about how he doesn't care about rules or regulations and he demands Ventura put him in the title match against Cena at the next WWE pay-per-view. After a minute or so Ventura comes out and says he has three "revolutionary" ideas for RAW tonight.
1. Cena v. CM Punk: Never before happened match.
2. DX v. The Hart Dynasty: Never before happened match.
3. The Breakthrough Challenge: A wrestler who has never been world champion will be the new no. 1 contender for either the WWE Title or the World Heavyweight Championship. A series of matches over the night where the winners face in a battle royal, the winner of the battle royal is the new no. 1 contender.
WAIT... ROLL THAT BACK.... A title match not featuring Orton/Cena/HHH this is unheard of since like 2006 (not an exaggeration). This set the expectation bar high for RAW.
Match One (Breakthrough Challenge Qualifier = BCQ): Kofi Kingston v. Dolph Ziggler
This match was alot shorter than I would've liked to see from two of the company's youngest and brightest stars.Back and forth in the early opening, then Kofi hits his two signature moves for the win.
Match Two (BCQ): Sheamus v. Finlay
Finlay gets the first few shots in after that this match was all Sheamus. Guy truly is a beast (a pale beast albeit). Sheamus wins via The Outsiders Edge. Attacks Finlay after the bell which I nearly thought was gonna lead to a referee's reversal on who the winner would be.
Backstage Orton tries again to convince Ventura to put him in the battle royal tonight. Ventura says he likes Orton's style but still refuses to bend the rules to make him happy.
Match Three: Cena v. CM Punk
Punk cuts a pre-match promo about Thanksgiving and calls the WWE fanbase gluttons and drug users. It is pure promo gold when he dropped the "Straightedge means I'm better than you," line.
Cena has really impressed me with his past few TV matches. Him and Punk both brought their A-game, match prolly went on for between 17 - 20 minutes. A lot of near falls towards the end with Cena hitting his finisher for the three count. These kinda matches are great because even with Punk losing he didn't look weak.
Backstage with Jesse "The Governor" Ventura and Vince McMahon. They poke a little fun at each other before Ventura informs Vince that they will be reuniting their old commentating team later in the show and Vince will be in his classic looking tux complete with red bowtie.
Match 4 (BCQ): Mark Henry/MVP/R-Truth v. Masters/Chavo/Jack Swagger
Missed the whole match as I was in the bathroom.
MVP and company win.
I apparently missed a DX promo too.
Match 5 (BCQ): Evan Bourne v. Primo
Primo attacked before the bell by Orton, he hits the ring demanding he is Bourne's opponent now. Ventura gets on the big screen and says he admires Orton's persistence so if he beats Bourne, he is in. Less than a minute later Orton wins.
Match 6: Divas v. Divas
Supposed to be a three on three that just sees two women wrestle the entire match. Face divas win. Post match interview with Melina sees her getting attacked by a returning Maryse, hilarious segment follows with Maryse stripping out of a turkey costume, took nearly two minutes and no one cared.
Match 7: DX v. Hart Dynasty
HBK played the face in peril, the match broke down with all four guys in the ring. Really cool ending saw HBK super kick DH Smith while Smith was holding HHH in a bearhug.
Post match Jericho comes out and sets up DX v. JeriShow for the belts at the next PPV.
Match 8 (BCQ): Cryme Tyme v. Legacy
Had to take a phonecall. Saw the end with Dibiase pinning Shad.
Match 9: BCQ Battle Royal
Participants: Kofi, Sheamus, MVP, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, and Ted Dibiase
Pre-Match: Ventura and McMahon come down and get on commentary.
Order of elimination:
Dibiase/Rhodes (sametime)
Mark Henry
Winner: Sheamus
After the break Ventura is in the ring for a contract signing, after Cena cuts a career burying promo on Sheamus. Ventura talks about how WWE is conspiring to keep Cena champ since he is a clean cut champ and so on and so forth. Sheamus attacks Cena and the show ends with him slamming Cena through a table and standing over him holding the WWE Title.
Thoughts: Wow, they finally put someone else in a title match. This match is not to make Sheamus champ, he is HHH's new boy since Jeff Hardy is gone, this match was made to see if he can carry himself in a main event match on a pay-per-view. If he can, Sheamus has potential to be a future champ, if not, well, can't be hard to bury the guy, they've been doing it to MVP for months now.
Next week Verne Troyer is the guest host. Oh joy.
Til then,
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Shameless Plug: Trick R' Treat
So, for those of you who aren't watching two coke-heads act like a sparkling homosexual and a depressed/sexually frustrated bitch respectively. SHAMELESS PLUG TIME!!!!!

The first taste I ever had on this movie was the preview that was before 300 on the DVD. Love at first sight, this was slightly after the horror genre had entered my life in a big way, and this looked to be the icing on the cake. Tragedy struck, as the film got delayed several times over, finally getting released here in the states in early October.
Premise: This is more a collection of intertwining stories about what happens to those who break the Halloween rules in this small town. This is also really hard to talk about without giving anything away and I try to remain spoiler free on these things as to not ruin the experience.
The movie runs short which is my only complaint, at 82 minutes if you miss a moment, you will miss something. On the plus side to that the director did just announce that he plans to make a sequel to the film.
Also, I apologize for the delay in posting this and completely missing Wednesday. The whole training for the new job thing had me in front of a comp watching videos for nearly 35 hours, so, I didn't get to it. Next week, we're back on track!!!

The first taste I ever had on this movie was the preview that was before 300 on the DVD. Love at first sight, this was slightly after the horror genre had entered my life in a big way, and this looked to be the icing on the cake. Tragedy struck, as the film got delayed several times over, finally getting released here in the states in early October.
Premise: This is more a collection of intertwining stories about what happens to those who break the Halloween rules in this small town. This is also really hard to talk about without giving anything away and I try to remain spoiler free on these things as to not ruin the experience.
The movie runs short which is my only complaint, at 82 minutes if you miss a moment, you will miss something. On the plus side to that the director did just announce that he plans to make a sequel to the film.
Also, I apologize for the delay in posting this and completely missing Wednesday. The whole training for the new job thing had me in front of a comp watching videos for nearly 35 hours, so, I didn't get to it. Next week, we're back on track!!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Best Episode Ever: One Day in the Valley

Entourage, I so wanted to hate this show when my brother insisted that I view season 1. Begrudgingly I popped in disc 1 of season 1, four hours later I was finished with the entire season. The next day season 2 was purchased and it has been love ever since.
One Day in the Valley is the second episode of season 3, and is one of the main defining episodes of the show thus far.
Premise: At this point Vince has finished filming Aquaman (directed by James Cameron). Ari is on his own, and Eric is happy to be Vince's agent. All they have to do now, is sit back and relax while they try not to worry about making the opening day amounts to stay employed. Only problem is rolling blackouts due to heatwaves are knocking out electricity across LA causing the boys to worry about not making the amount they are hoping for. This episode features some great one-liners from Drama, countless hilarious moments from Ari, and even an Almost Famous reference for the more pretentious of the SS readers. This episode defines a show and is easily one of the most feel good episodes of any show I have ever seen, watch it and say I'm wrong. Til that day comes, have fun kiddos.
The valley ain't so bad,
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Logan's Run must really suck.
I've heard some good excuses in my day, but this is on the top of the list.
Guy talks his way out of almost 90 dollars in late fees at Blockbuster.

Here is the full story.
Guy talks his way out of almost 90 dollars in late fees at Blockbuster.

Here is the full story.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tuneage Tuesday: Villebillies
The Villebilles are a band out of Louisville, KY. Describing their music is a diffcult thing since it is so varying from song to song. Heard of these guys on a whim when I saw they were opening for (hed) PE I figured they were worth checking out and it has drastically paid off.
You can find their Wiki here.
The bands homepage is here.
Don't Make Sense - Belly of the Beast
Rolling Stone - Villebillies
One Shot - Belly of the Beast
You can find their Wiki here.
The bands homepage is here.
Don't Make Sense - Belly of the Beast
Rolling Stone - Villebillies
One Shot - Belly of the Beast
Monday, November 16, 2009
RAW(view) Live!!!!!!
Show opens with a backstage segment with guest host Roddy Piper backstage with Luis Guzman, after a minute they bring in the Iron Sheik and the Bella Twins. Few subtle joke made at Hulk Hogan's expense.... Ends with the live from New York its Monday night Raw.
New entrance video and theme song, oh joy, Nickelback. However the new video is cool.
RAW goes live into the arena with a smaller entrance ramp, they always do this at Madison Square Garden and it is a nice refresher from that big entrance. First match is The Miz v. MVP, nothing to complain about here, pre-match mic work by The Miz making fun of the Yankees and then MVP comes out wearing one.... AWESOME match, gotta love MSG shows cause they always bring their A-game. Good back and forth work end comes with MVP missing the Playmaker and Miz countering into the Skull Crushing Finale.
Chavo v. Santino is up after we come back from break. Straight comedy: Santio wearing first a Rangers jersey, then a Giants jersey, then a Knicks jersey, then a Jets jersey, then a Phillies jersey... got some laughs/heat, BIG pop for the Yankees jersey. Straight comedy match with Chavo getting upset at everything and then Hornswoggle distracting Chavo and Santino with the rollup victory.
DX promo, nothing new.... Triple threat match Sunday. Then Hornswoggle was called out, segment ends with Triple H giving him a Pedigree, seriously, the bosses son-in-law attacked a midget. He wonders why internet marks hate him.
Alicia Fox v. Melina for the Divas title (I hate that name) is guest ring announced by some comedian, he makes it a Lumberjill match. This was a throw away match just to get the ladies some TV time, Melina wins with a roll up.
Roddy Piper is out and seems genuinely happy to be here... Still making fun of Hogan which is always good. Segment goes on to conclude with Piper challenging Vince McMahon to a match, that will presumably not happen later tonight.
Sheamus comes out and issues an open challenge, and after no one comes out he attacks a ring worker then Jerry Lawler... He is replaced by Matt Striker for the rest of the show.
Evan Bourne v. Jack Swagger is in full swing when we come back from commercial, not a lot to say here. Survivor Series preview, match is a glorified squash match with Swagger destroying Bourne.
McMahon v. Piper never even gets started as we see Orton come interrupt the match.... WICKED BOTCH!!!! Kofi missed his cue and Orton visibly had to improv a move and then looked into the camera and shrugged with a very "what were you expecting" attitude. The two start brawling into the crowd, Orton gets the upper hand and begins to work over the leg of Kofi. Fight goes back into the ring and there is ALOT of back and forth, this is the best feud going in the WWE right now. Goes back into the crowd, referees try to break up the fight, segment ends with Kofi hitting the Boom Drop on Orton through a table.
Main event doesn't even get started til after 11:00pm.... Actually its 11:05pm and the Undertaker just started his entrance, I give this match 90 seconds before it breaks down into a brawl.....
Well I was wrong, but it was about a 10 minute spotfest... At least DX didn't win. Match ends with Cena pinning Triple H then Undertaker gave Cena a Tombstone just to remind him that it is everyman for them self. Three hour RAW next week hosted by Jesse Ventura. Til then.
New entrance video and theme song, oh joy, Nickelback. However the new video is cool.
RAW goes live into the arena with a smaller entrance ramp, they always do this at Madison Square Garden and it is a nice refresher from that big entrance. First match is The Miz v. MVP, nothing to complain about here, pre-match mic work by The Miz making fun of the Yankees and then MVP comes out wearing one.... AWESOME match, gotta love MSG shows cause they always bring their A-game. Good back and forth work end comes with MVP missing the Playmaker and Miz countering into the Skull Crushing Finale.
Chavo v. Santino is up after we come back from break. Straight comedy: Santio wearing first a Rangers jersey, then a Giants jersey, then a Knicks jersey, then a Jets jersey, then a Phillies jersey... got some laughs/heat, BIG pop for the Yankees jersey. Straight comedy match with Chavo getting upset at everything and then Hornswoggle distracting Chavo and Santino with the rollup victory.
DX promo, nothing new.... Triple threat match Sunday. Then Hornswoggle was called out, segment ends with Triple H giving him a Pedigree, seriously, the bosses son-in-law attacked a midget. He wonders why internet marks hate him.
Alicia Fox v. Melina for the Divas title (I hate that name) is guest ring announced by some comedian, he makes it a Lumberjill match. This was a throw away match just to get the ladies some TV time, Melina wins with a roll up.
Roddy Piper is out and seems genuinely happy to be here... Still making fun of Hogan which is always good. Segment goes on to conclude with Piper challenging Vince McMahon to a match, that will presumably not happen later tonight.
Sheamus comes out and issues an open challenge, and after no one comes out he attacks a ring worker then Jerry Lawler... He is replaced by Matt Striker for the rest of the show.
Evan Bourne v. Jack Swagger is in full swing when we come back from commercial, not a lot to say here. Survivor Series preview, match is a glorified squash match with Swagger destroying Bourne.
McMahon v. Piper never even gets started as we see Orton come interrupt the match.... WICKED BOTCH!!!! Kofi missed his cue and Orton visibly had to improv a move and then looked into the camera and shrugged with a very "what were you expecting" attitude. The two start brawling into the crowd, Orton gets the upper hand and begins to work over the leg of Kofi. Fight goes back into the ring and there is ALOT of back and forth, this is the best feud going in the WWE right now. Goes back into the crowd, referees try to break up the fight, segment ends with Kofi hitting the Boom Drop on Orton through a table.
Main event doesn't even get started til after 11:00pm.... Actually its 11:05pm and the Undertaker just started his entrance, I give this match 90 seconds before it breaks down into a brawl.....
Well I was wrong, but it was about a 10 minute spotfest... At least DX didn't win. Match ends with Cena pinning Triple H then Undertaker gave Cena a Tombstone just to remind him that it is everyman for them self. Three hour RAW next week hosted by Jesse Ventura. Til then.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Linking Friends.... Free Shamless Plugs!!!
I've been meaning to do this.... There are really two major inspirations that helped me come up with the idea of this and it just so happens they are both friends of mine.
I urge you to check out both of these sites:
The Film Fiend is a movie review website with a focus on horror and independent stuff.
Secondly, Don't Stand There Gawping is all things nerd: comics, gadgets, hilarity, movies, videogames, and other things from around the web. DSTG has been linked more than once before but linking friends without mentioning it would be sacrilege since Keith was/is very supportive of me since I had the idea to restart this.
Thanks guys, this is one of the best things I could think of to repay you.
I urge you to check out both of these sites:
The Film Fiend is a movie review website with a focus on horror and independent stuff.
Secondly, Don't Stand There Gawping is all things nerd: comics, gadgets, hilarity, movies, videogames, and other things from around the web. DSTG has been linked more than once before but linking friends without mentioning it would be sacrilege since Keith was/is very supportive of me since I had the idea to restart this.
Thanks guys, this is one of the best things I could think of to repay you.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
(hed) PE goes to Garden Grove
The goal to play good music never ends.... So, here is (hed) PE covering Sublime.... Skip to about 2:30 into the video unless you wanna hear a stoner ramble for a bit first.
This song takes me back.
This song takes me back.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Shameless Plug: Robert Kirkman
Robert Kirkman is possibly the biggest name in comics right now. Three hit books and more than a few projects on the way. Hell he even signed a deal to have his comic The Walking Dead turned into a TV show alongside Frank Darabont (thats right, The Shawshank Redemption directior). So, to say that Kirkman needs my plus is a stretch, but he sure as hell deserves its.
Invincible is the story of Mark Grayson, son of the superhero Omni-Man. The story surpassed every expectation I had for it, again, I do not want to give away any story here. But watching this story evolve is the most fun and every time you think there is even a hint of boredom it picks up and goes in a completly new and badass direction

The Walking Dead follows Rick Grimes an ex-cop who was put into a coma after being shot on patrol and upon waking up finds the world has been over run by zombies. The especially cool thing about this book is it doesn't really focus as much on the zombies as opposed to how humans are dealing with their situations.... And I don't mean humanity, the world isn't your concern. Rick, his friends, and his family are the only people you find yourself caring about in this book.
Those are easily the two biggest books Kirkman has, he has created many other characters and has plenty of other books that are all worth looking into....
Here is his wikipedia page.
And here is a link to his website.

The Walking Dead follows Rick Grimes an ex-cop who was put into a coma after being shot on patrol and upon waking up finds the world has been over run by zombies. The especially cool thing about this book is it doesn't really focus as much on the zombies as opposed to how humans are dealing with their situations.... And I don't mean humanity, the world isn't your concern. Rick, his friends, and his family are the only people you find yourself caring about in this book.
Those are easily the two biggest books Kirkman has, he has created many other characters and has plenty of other books that are all worth looking into....
Here is his wikipedia page.
And here is a link to his website.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Best Episode Ever: 300 Big Boys

The best cartoon television show of all time... End of discussion.
This is one of the final episodes Futurama had before going off the air. It seems like they knew the end was presumably near so they pulled out all the stops and just had fun. What came about is some of the shows best episodes.
Premise: This is a satire piece about the whole giving back thing when the government gave all taxpayers $300. Fry decides to drink 100 cups of coffee, Leela is gonna swim with a whale, Professor Farnsworth buys stems cells to look young again, Hermes buys his son stilts, Amy gets a talking tattoo, and Zoidberg is just finally happy to be rich. The episode intertwines all of these mini-stories as they coincide and all come together at the end.
This episode is well worth checking out and you can trust me....
After all, I'm a whale biologist.
Comicbook Wednesday

Alright another team book, yes I know. But this is my blog and this book is fun.
Initally one may wonder... Who are the Pet Avengers.
Short answer: Awesome
Long Answer:
Lockjaw - Telepathic alien dog, also team leader.
Throg (no link) - Thor-esque frog.
Lockheed - Dragon and companion of Kitty Pryde
Redwing (no link) - Falcon's companion. (sounded better than Falcon's falcon)
Zabu - Ally to Ka-Zar
Hairball - Speedball like powers
Ms. Lion - an apparent carton reference.
Premise: Mr. Fantastic is seeking the gems from the infinity gauntlet and after Lockjaw finds one of them he reads Mr. Fantastics mind and decides to take it upon himself to search out and find them. The first issue really sets up the team in various funny situations and it all plays out really well.
This book is fun. You don't read it for the enthralling story and deep characters. If you wanna have your main character say "woof" or be translated by a frog acting like Thor this is your book.
Its a short 4-issue miniseries that I would definitely recommend (in case posting it doesn't make that obvious).
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Downfield... The pigeon is open!!!!!
This is how uninteresting a Raiders football game is.
That is correct, they would rather talk about a bird on the field.
That is correct, they would rather talk about a bird on the field.
Tuneage Tuesday: Cold
This weeks Tuneage Tuesday is Cold.
Find their Wikipedia info right over here.
First heard of these guys back in 2001 through my cousin. Got the album 13 Ways to Bleed Onstage and quickly came to find that the singer Scooter Ward had alot of range and a very unique voice.
Gonna go with all live videos this week...
Stupid Girl - Year of the Spider
Just Got Wicked - 13 Ways to Bleed Onstage
Gone Away - (Hidden Track) Year of the Spider
Enjoy kids,
Find their Wikipedia info right over here.
First heard of these guys back in 2001 through my cousin. Got the album 13 Ways to Bleed Onstage and quickly came to find that the singer Scooter Ward had alot of range and a very unique voice.
Gonna go with all live videos this week...
Stupid Girl - Year of the Spider
Just Got Wicked - 13 Ways to Bleed Onstage
Gone Away - (Hidden Track) Year of the Spider
Enjoy kids,

A day late and for that I apologize.
RAW came to us here in the states on tape delay emanating from Sheffield, England. Show opens with this weeks guest host, English boxed Ricky Hatton (whoever that is). Standard break down of Jeri-Show coming out followed by DX shortly after setting up the main event tag team match for the end of the show.
Womens match: Alicia Fox v. Kelly Kelly
Fox is the no. 1 contender for the RAW womens title and no one cares cause she isn't built up at all. They put her over Kelly Kelly in this match to try and get her some amount of heat but I can't seem to care about her no matter how hard they try and push her.
Speaking of people I don't care about, look its Sheamus.....
Sheamus v. British indy wrestler
Squash match, only point of note is that Sheamus took Scott Hall's finisher.
Backstage segment with Hatton, the Bella twins, Santino, and Chavo. Pretty fun and sets up a boxer v. wrestler match for later in the night between Hatton and Chavo.
Match three and finally something worth watching....
Evan Bourne v. Jack Swagger
Both of these guys got traded from ECW earlier this year and have put on some really good matches since then. Good back and forth seeing Bourne using his speed to stay off the power moves of Swagger. Right as Swagger starts to get the upper hand The Miz (YAY!!!) comes out and antagonizes Swagger about not being the captain of their team at Survivor Series and distracts him long enough to let Bourne hit the Air Bourne for the win.
After the match Miz reminds us all he is the Survivor Series captain cause he's awesome.... I'm inclined to agree.
After the break we have MVP and Mark Henry in the ring for the VIP Lounge with their guest/Survior Series team captain: Kofi Kingston. After a little bit of fun between the three we are interrupted by Orton and Legacy. Orton lays into them calling them thugs and saying they are all from the hood.... Congratulations WWE writers, you offically made me feel uncomfortable with your terrible writing as you had three white guys who grew up in the business calling three black guys thugs and trash. So uncomfortable. Segment thankfully ended shortly into all that with Kofi slapping Orton as we went to commercial.
Back from break Orton and Henry have started their match.... I spent most of it in the bathroom and came back only to see Orton hit the RKO and win. I'm told it was a pretty solid match for the two.
Ricky Hatton and Chavo had their "match." Chavo collects a paycheck which is great. But if they wanna honor Eddie's memory, why are they having his ex-wife parade around Smackdown with a different guy every few months and having his nephew run around RAW getting humiliated every week.
Backstage we have Hornswoggle and Cena arguing cause Hornswoggle refuses to get out of the DX gear as he was ordered to do. Cena hears DX coming and orders the Leprechaun to run and hide. Hilarity ensues between DX and Cena as they all make jokes about their upcoming triple threat title match and DX accuses Cena of knowing where Hornswoggle is. Cena orders him out but only now he is in Cena gear which causes DX to leave but not before they suspect something is going on. After they exit Hornswoggle is back in DX gear to send us to break with a crotch chop.
Main event: Jeri-Show v. DX w/ John Cena on commentary.
This match had something from DX that hadn't been seen in a very long time. HHH not Shawn Michaels played the face in peril. Standard match not alot to say about it, Cena added even less on commentary than HHH/HBK did last week as he apparently left his sense of humor backstage and was all business on commentary. Finish to the match saw Big Show accidentally hit Jericho with the knock out punch instead of HBK. HHH clotheslined Show outta the ring while HBK picks up the pin.
Before we close the show the next week main event is announced to be a triple-threat-tag-team-extravaganza: Jeri-Show v. DX v. Cena/Undertaker. I'm ok with this.
Fun fact about the match listed above: John Cena is the youngest person in the match by seven years.
Next week we are live again from Madison Square Garden with Rowdy Roddy Piper as our host. I'm expecting a good show for the first time since I started this blog.
Til then.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Romance on the Mushroom Cup
This guy is having a blast combining music and Mario Kart, two things you know you love.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Shameless Plug
Anyone who knows me will find the following to be no surpise at all. The inagural Shameless Plug is none other than..................

I have been harping on this book for well over a year now. My paperback copy looks like it went skydiving it is so worn through. Author David Wong perfectly captures his characters and the B-movie horror feel he is going for.
The first pressing sold out so quickly that paperback copies are going for roughly 200 apiece and Don Coscarelli has already stated claim to direct a film version of this.
So......... Go here to find it on Amazon, it is also available at all fine retailers. Support the little guy.

I have been harping on this book for well over a year now. My paperback copy looks like it went skydiving it is so worn through. Author David Wong perfectly captures his characters and the B-movie horror feel he is going for.
The first pressing sold out so quickly that paperback copies are going for roughly 200 apiece and Don Coscarelli has already stated claim to direct a film version of this.
So......... Go here to find it on Amazon, it is also available at all fine retailers. Support the little guy.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Best Episode Ever: Hey our COPS is on!!!!

This is quite possibly what I am most looking forward to on this blog a breakdown of not seasons or full on shows, but the best episodes of what can be considered some of TV's greatest shows. There were a few options of what to go with but those will be covered in due time.... We open with My Name is Earl: Season 2 Episode 12 "Our COPS is on."
Premise: "Earl" is centered around the title character who won $100k on a lotto scratch off and then gets hit by a car. While hospitalized he learns of karma and decides to change his life around and make up for all the bad things he has done in his life.
While all this is taking place we get flashbacks of the old Earl and this episode is fully devoted to the ways of old Earl. The COPS crew comes to Camden and takes very little time before finding their way to Earl and company only to find hilarity ensuing around everyone corner. Earl stealing cop cars and kidnapping camera men, Randy climbing into trees and getting to scared to come down, Darnell "Crabman" getting caught growing weed and hiding in various places, Joy throwing Earl's belongings off the trailer roof and later being chased while running naked.
This episode is by far a shining gem on what is already a great show, it is a damn shame this show got shit canned. Hopefully another network picks it up soon.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Comicbook Wednesday

Ok, so I may have misled with my original post. Wednesdays will be about comics, but not just the comics that have come out this week.
With that here's my review of Dynamo 5: Post-Nuclear Family Volume 1.
Captain Dynamo is dead, tower city was open to criminals and supervillians to take over and run rampant... Until, Madeline "Maddie" Warner the widow of Captain Dynamo finds his little black book and uses that information to find children he has fathered through his infidelity... there are unsurprisingly five of them.
Hector Chang aka Visionary: X-ray vision, laser vision, telescopic vision
Olivia "Livvie" Lewis aka Slingshot: Flight
Spencer Bridges aka Myriad: Shape shifting
Bridget Flynn aka Scrap: Superhuman Strength
Gage Reinhart aka Scatterbrain: Telepathy
The book opens with the team already formed and fighting crime while also leading their normal lives, Gage plays football, Bridget is a movie theater employee, Hector is a highschool nerd, Olivia is an activist, and Spencer is a player.
There are really two main focuses of this book I can go into without spoiling anything for you:
First is how these five half siblings have to adapt to each other and their differences to become a team learn to get along with each other as they all also come to terms with the fact they are now members of a brand new family.
Secondly, and the one I found particularly interesting was the story about Maddie, her past, and how she is dealing with the fact that her huband was a superslut while being a superhero.
This is another great title by image that I would highly reccomend, as always I promise these will get better with time, it will just take time.
The Supernatural Eye of the Tiger
If ANYONE thinks they don't have fun filiming the CW show Supernatural....
Watch this:
Supernatural Jensen Ackles - Eye of the Tiger - For more funny videos, click here
Watch this:
Supernatural Jensen Ackles - Eye of the Tiger - For more funny videos, click here
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tuneage Tuesday: Pepper
First heard of Pepper about five years ago when they were opening for the Kottonmouth Kings on tour. Decided to go ahead and give them a shot, I was immediately impressed with the punk/ska/reggae sound that reminded me of Sublime.
Live Performance: Crazy Love off the album No Shame
Stand and Fall off the album Pink Crustaceans and Good Vibrations
Finally offical video for their biggest hit: Give It Up off the album Kona Town
Live Performance: Crazy Love off the album No Shame
Stand and Fall off the album Pink Crustaceans and Good Vibrations
Finally offical video for their biggest hit: Give It Up off the album Kona Town
Monday, November 2, 2009

So another Monday brings another WWE Monday Night RAW.
Show opens with this weeks special guests host Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne, I really don't care for this whole "weekly host" thing there have only been a handful who have brought anything good to the table... Opening segment really brought nothing new to the show or to get me excited for it just set up the matches later in the night or in the case of the Miz, right after commercial.
Miz and Evan Bourne put on a good show, people hate on Miz all the time for being an old Real World cast member but it breaks down to him being a wrestling fan. That showed when he was on the RW and has carried into his career, the guy is putting in genuine effort to better himself and it shows. Evan Bourne is the best WWE high-flier since the Hardys/E&C feud in the early 2000's. Solid match between the two, Miz wins.
Kofi Kingston v. Randy Orton has potential to be a GREAT story if they play it out right. I've been a Kofi fan since he debuted on ECW and been an Orton fan since like 2005. Match got turned into a six-man-tag-team-extravaganza, which is good, this entire match was setup for Survivor Series where Kofi and Orton will most likely be captains on their respective teams.
Sheamus damn near killed Jamie Noble, stiff shots and such. Either Noble sold like a champ or he actually got hurt on that powerbomb.
Throwaway segments, RAW's got Talent to play off Sharon Osbourne then a women's battle royal. I nearly fell asleep with seven hot women on my screen if that tells you anything.
Main event Triple Threat: Cena v. Jericho v. Big Show w/ D-Generation X on commentary. Pretty solid match featuring Cena v. Jericho/Big Show or one of the two. Standard breakdown between JeriShow towards the end of the match and a nice way to make Show look strong and Jericho still sneaky with him falling on Cena after Show delivers the knockout punch. I like where they are taking the story with Jericho and Big Show as tag champs. DX added nothing to the match, if anything they took away from it. Best part of them being on commentary was when Shawn admitted he knew he was the Robin to Triple H's Batman.
Overall thoughts: If i had started this blog a week ago I would've had a much more solid show to write about, but this is these are the setup shows leading into one of the "Big 4" pay-per-views so I can see why they booked the show the way they did.
Have a nice night kiddos.
Show opens with this weeks special guests host Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne, I really don't care for this whole "weekly host" thing there have only been a handful who have brought anything good to the table... Opening segment really brought nothing new to the show or to get me excited for it just set up the matches later in the night or in the case of the Miz, right after commercial.
Miz and Evan Bourne put on a good show, people hate on Miz all the time for being an old Real World cast member but it breaks down to him being a wrestling fan. That showed when he was on the RW and has carried into his career, the guy is putting in genuine effort to better himself and it shows. Evan Bourne is the best WWE high-flier since the Hardys/E&C feud in the early 2000's. Solid match between the two, Miz wins.
Kofi Kingston v. Randy Orton has potential to be a GREAT story if they play it out right. I've been a Kofi fan since he debuted on ECW and been an Orton fan since like 2005. Match got turned into a six-man-tag-team-extravaganza, which is good, this entire match was setup for Survivor Series where Kofi and Orton will most likely be captains on their respective teams.
Sheamus damn near killed Jamie Noble, stiff shots and such. Either Noble sold like a champ or he actually got hurt on that powerbomb.
Throwaway segments, RAW's got Talent to play off Sharon Osbourne then a women's battle royal. I nearly fell asleep with seven hot women on my screen if that tells you anything.
Main event Triple Threat: Cena v. Jericho v. Big Show w/ D-Generation X on commentary. Pretty solid match featuring Cena v. Jericho/Big Show or one of the two. Standard breakdown between JeriShow towards the end of the match and a nice way to make Show look strong and Jericho still sneaky with him falling on Cena after Show delivers the knockout punch. I like where they are taking the story with Jericho and Big Show as tag champs. DX added nothing to the match, if anything they took away from it. Best part of them being on commentary was when Shawn admitted he knew he was the Robin to Triple H's Batman.
Overall thoughts: If i had started this blog a week ago I would've had a much more solid show to write about, but this is these are the setup shows leading into one of the "Big 4" pay-per-views so I can see why they booked the show the way they did.
Have a nice night kiddos.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Bustin' feels pretty good.
So I might be a day late with this but who cares...Never really been a fan of Hoobastanks music but I do believe this could be one of the most fun tributes to the Ghostbusters I have seen in recent memory.
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